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pumpkin soup造句

"pumpkin soup"是什么意思  
  • Efresh . com . hk - recipes - soup - cream pumpkin soup
  • Pumpkin pies and pumpkin soup are two of my favorite things to eat
  • And sculpt pumpkins and to savor pumpkin pie and pumpkin soup
    是位传教士,住在今天的灯塔山beacon hill一带。
  • Oh , they got pumpkin soup
  • 4 . put the cooked pumpkin soup into blunger , and then pour the soup to boil again
    4 .将煮滚的南瓜汤放入搅拌机搅匀,再倒落煲翻滚
  • Dividing up their work and cooperating , the cat , the squirrel and the duck made a pot of delicious pumpkin soup
  • Boys dream of eating witch pumpkin soup into a pumpkin head , when i wake up , he discovered that this is not a dream . he really turned into a pumpkin head
  • Introduction : boys dream of eating witch pumpkin soup into a pumpkin head , when i wake up , he discovered that this is not a dream . he really turned into a pumpkin head
  • It's difficult to see pumpkin soup in a sentence. 用pumpkin soup造句挺难的
如何用pumpkin soup造句,用pumpkin soup造句pumpkin soup in a sentence, 用pumpkin soup造句和pumpkin soup的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。